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Project construction

Works have been scheduled to construct the duplication of both Main South Road and Victor Harbor Road, predominately ‘off-line’. This means that most work will occur behind solid barriers to allow traffic to continue to flow during most of the construction period.

At times, road restrictions and speed limits may apply for safety reasons. Where possible, work will be scheduled to minimise impacts on peak hours and holiday travel. Please plan ahead, allow extra travel time and take extra care when workers are on site. Observe speed limits, lane restrictions and traffic controllers when travelling through the area.

Advance notice of works and traffic impacts will be provided to commuters and nearby residents using electronic Variable Message Signs (VMS), work notifications and via email to people who have registered to receive project updates.

Every effort will be made to minimise impacts to the community.

Project construction

Site compounds and storage areas

Temporary site compound establishment commenced in April 2022 across the work areas to accommodate workers with portable offices and amenities and to house machinery and materials for the project.

Site compound locations:

  • Victor Harbor Road Main Site Compound;
  • Pedler Creek Satellite Site Compound;
  • Main South Road and Tatachilla Road Main Site Compound;
  • Aldinga Satellite Site Compound and Materials Storage; and
  • Port Road Satellite Compound.

Land will be reinstated following project completion.

Works have been scheduled to construct the duplication of both Main South Road, Victor Harbor Road, and the Hindmarsh Valley overtaking lane predominately ‘off-line’. This means that most work will occur behind solid barriers to allow traffic to continue to flow during most of the construction period.

At times, road restrictions and speed limits may apply for safety reasons. Where possible, work will be scheduled to minimise impacts on peak hour and holiday travel. Please plan ahead, allow extra travel time and take extra care when workers are on site. Observe speed limits, lane restrictions and traffic controllers when travelling through the area.

Detours will also be required at times for the Coast to Vines Rail Trail to cater for the construction of the new culvert where the trail crosses Main South Road. Pedestrians and cyclists are advised to take care when travelling through the area. Where required, signage will be in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists to alternative access and/or detours.

Advance notice of works and traffic impacts will be provided to commuters and nearby residents using Variable Message Signs, work notifications and via email to people who have registered to receive project updates.

Every effort will be made to minimise impacts to the community.

Sustainable road design

A key focus of the project is sustainable road construction. Designers and engineers are investigating opportunities to improve the project’s sustainability outcomes. Key areas that the project team are currently working on include:

  • urban design;
  • reductions of materials, energy and water use;
  • waste minimisation;
  • minimising site environmental impacts during construction from noise, dust and vibration; and
  • noise mitigation for the operational phase of the project.

Site compounds and storage areas

Temporary site compound establishment commenced in April 2022 across the work areas to accommodate workers with portable offices and amenities and to house machinery and materials for the project.

Site compound locations:

  • Victor Harbor Road Main Site Compound;
  • Pedler Creek Satellite Site Compound;
  • Main South Road and Tatachilla Road Main Site Compound;
  • Aldinga Satellite Site Compound and Materials Storage; and
  • Port Road Satellite Compound.

Land will be reinstated following project completion.