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FCA support a vital connection for local scout group

Fri, 30 August, 2024

The proceeds from bottle and can donations from the Fleurieu Connections Alliance is helping a local scout group with much-needed items and its first reliable internet connection.

The Aldinga Bay Scout Group has received almost $3000 since they started collecting the bottles and cans from the FCA site compounds in May 2022.

The money has gone towards the purchase of a new chainsaw and the safety equipment to go with it, and a small firewood storage shed, which is currently being constructed. The biggest difference, however, has been seen with the club’s new internet connection as the group’s halls now have NBN wifi.

Group Leader Geraint Gledhill says: ‘The money has meant a great deal.’ He says the club was hit hard by the COVID shutdown in terms of membership and the cost-of-living crisis has also had a big impact on numbers for the past 12-18 months. In addition, societal changes are seeing less families being involved or taking part in community groups.

‘When membership declines it becomes harder to raise funds from normal subscriptions and not having a larger family base to draw on for volunteers to help with maintenance/new projects. The steady income from the drinks containers has been a great help.’

‘The internet has been of particular use as it is ongoing, makes the halls useful for other activities including online training, plus we rent the halls out to two other groups when we are not using them so they also get the benefit of being connected.’

‘We did not have any internet at the Scout halls until July 2023. Before the NBN, phone connections only were somewhat hit and miss. Now we have a secure network for those scouting activities and training where an internet connection is invaluable.’

The club meets on Monday nights and Tuesday nights with members ranging from 5-18 years.

The group focuses on outdoor pursuits with the long list of activities ranging from bushwalking and camping skills to map reading, compass work, canoeing, tree climbing and astronomy.

‘Scouting leads to lots of adventurous fun, challenging and inclusive activities in nature and the outdoors allowing the youth to discover new interests and face new challenges. They can invent, construct and create their own adventures.’

To join or support the Aldinga Bay Scout Group contact Group Leader Geraint Gledhill at