We’re doubling the capacity of Main South Road from Aldinga to Sellicks Beach to improve safety and make your journey more reliable.
What's happening
We’ll be undertaking day and night works on Sellicks Beach Road from Sunday 29 September to 21 October 2024. This will allow us to install safety barriers as well as new stormwater infrastructure.
During these works traffic will be reduced to a single westbound lane at all times. There will be no access to Main South Road from Sellicks Beach Road, however access from Main South Road will be maintained. Detour information is provided over the page.
How this affects you
To keep everyone safe, speed and lane restrictions will remain in place throughout the area. Some noise disturbance can be expected, but we’ll try to keep these disturbances to a minimum.
We will contact you if the work directly impacts your property however local access will be always maintained.
Adverse weather may impact our works, but we’ll keep you updated via our website.
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Further information
For more information, or to contact a member of our team, please: